Bareilly: A soldier's both legs were amputated after a TTE allegedly pushed him from a running train Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly on Thursday. Following the incident, his fellow soldiers thrashed the TTE and stopped the train.
According to official sources, a soldier was boarding the Rajdhani Express, heading to New Delhi from Dibrugarh at Bareilly Railway Station. When the train started, the soldier tried to board the train but the TTE present on the train did not allow him to board and a fight broke out over the same. Then the TTE allegedly pushed the soldier from the moving train and he got hit by the train and both his legs were amputated.
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After the incident, his fellow soldiers got into a fight with the TTE. However, after the train departed from the station the TTE fled from the spot.
GRP Inspector, Ajit Pratap Singh said, "A soldier was pushed from the train by the TTE following an argument in which both his legs had to be amputated. The injured soldier has been admitted to the Army Hospital and action will be taken by registering a case against the TTE."