Ghaziabad: Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav, while campaigning in western UP, on Saturday came up with some bold predictions. According to him, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will not win a single seat in western Uttar Pradesh as the farmers are ready to topple them.
"This 'Lal Topi & Lal Potli' comprising grains will teach them a lesson. Farmers are ready to topple BJP. We urge them to shoo the BJP away from UP. BJP will get 0 (seats)as people of Western UP will set the sun of BJP forever," said the former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, while talking to ANI.
"When a wrestler begins to lose, he flaps his hands, legs, sometimes bites, scratches or strangulates...This is what BJP is doing...But they will be thrown out as people of UP will teach them a lesson by giving us a historic win...," he added. "Jayant Chaudhary's RLD and SP has been in alliance since Lok Sabha polls...This time BJP is shaken to the core, which is why they have to conduct door-to-door campaigns."
RLD chief accuses BJP govt of suppressing farmers
Meanwhile, his ally RLD chief Jayant Chaudhary also slammed the BJP-led government and said that the party failed to fulfil promises made to farmers in the state on Saturday.
“The decision in the election is to be made by the voters. On one hand, there is the government that wants to suppress the farmers, where there is no hearing, where no promises are fulfilled and on the other hand there is the effort of RLD and SP. We have to fight people spreading lies and hatred,” he said.
Commenting on the allegation that he (Jayant Chaudhary) may go with BJP after elections, he said, "These are rumours which are being spread to create a rift among the voters, they will bring Aurangzeb, Jinnah and will try to create polarisation, But now the public is all aware of these and no one is going to fall in their trap."
He added, "The farmers are facing a lot many problems such as they are not getting adequate price in 'Mandis', sugarcane bills are yet to paid, etc. Akhilesh Yadav and I will be working together for farmers. When the government will be formed, it will be for farmers."
Read : Jayant has shut the doors for BJP in Western UP: Akhilesh Yadav