Kaushambi (UP): In a shocking incident, a man from Purab Shara village of Uttar Pradesh's Kaushambi district slit his tongue “to offer it” to a deity at the Sheetla Mata's temple in the district on Saturday. It is learned that 40-year-old Sampat, a resident of Purab Shara village of Paschim Shira police station area, had gone to the temple to take blessings of the deity.
According to Sampat's wife Bhanmati, after bathing in the Ganges, her husband asked her to touch the feet of the temple deity. As soon as she started touching the feet, the husband slit his tongue with a blade, she said. Sampat was soon shifted to the District Hospital for treatment.
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Emergency Medical Officer of the district hospital, Dr Vivek Kesarwani said that Sampat's tongue was not completely severed and that it was possible to stitch it back. Sampat's condition, the doctor said, was stable.