Azamgarh: The authorities in Uttar Pradesh have cracked down on use of mobile phones inside jails in Agra and Azamgarh by suspending a jailor, deputy jailor, and two prison guards at District Jail Azamgarh and seizing a dozen phones. Jail Director General Anand Kumar said that during the raids by Azamgarh DM Vishal Bhardwaj and SP Anurag Arya on Tuesday, 12 mobile phones, chargers and many incriminating items including ganja, four chargers, one LED TV, and other banned items were recovered from the barracks of the jail.
Another senior official said that when the jail officers were asked how the banned goods reached the barracks, they could not give any answer. DG Jail Anand Kumar on Wednesday suspended Jailor Ravindra Saroj, Deputy Jailor Shridhar Yadav and two prison guards Ajay Verma and Ashutosh Singh of District Jail Azamgarh on Wednesday. Police have registered a case and launched a probe.