Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): The Twitter handle of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Office (CMO) was restored after it was hacked on Saturday. UP CMO (@CMOfficeUP) Twitter account has four million followers at present.
The breach came to light when unknown hackers used the UP CMO Twitter handle to publish a post based on a tutorial called "How to turn your BAYC/MAYC animated on Twitter". In addition, a cartoonist picture was used as a profile picture on the UP CMO account. The unidentified hackers also posted a thread of some random tweets on the UP CMO account.
However, this is not the first time that a case of hacking of a sensitive or important person's Twitter account has come to light. Last year in December, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter handle was also "very briefly compromised" and was secured later after the matter was escalated to the micro-blogging site, Prime Minister's Office (PMO) had informed.
Recently, even BJP President Jagat Prakash Nadda's Twitter handle was briefly hacked wherein a tweet urging people to make cryptocurrency donations for Ukraine was made and a few minutes later, it was deleted. Later a tweet asking for donations for Russia was made from his handle, which has also been deleted.
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