Saharanpur (UP): A 40-year-old municipal corporation cleaner beat his wife to death on Thursday after a heated argument at Sheikhpura Kadim village of the countryside Kotwali area of Saharanpur. The incident was reported to have happened at night around 9 p.m. The police nabbed the accused on Friday after visiting the scene of crime when the neighbors reported foul smell from the house of the accused.
SP Rajesh Kumar, talking to the media, said that the accused who was married for seven years had many arguments with his wife over her inability to bear a child. The accused thrashed his wife, Lakshmi, who was a security guard by profession and then slept next to her corpse for the night.
"The police has arrested the accused, Vinod, and he has been charged under rightful IPS sections while the corpse has been sent for post-mortem. The police are probing the incident for further nuances," the SP concluded.