Mathura (Uttar Pradesh): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday offered prayers at Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan city of Uttar Pradesh's Mathura. Shah is set to attend various events in Mathura and Gautam Buddh Nagar on Thursday that comprises door to door visit as part of campaigning for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls.
The Home Minister would also be attending effective voter communication meetings in Mathura and Greater Noida. He is also expected to hold organizational meetings with BJP office-bearers at Mathura as well as interact with voters. At least 200 people are expected to attend the meeting and it will have two sessions divided into two parts. The Home Minister's public engagements are significant as elections on 403 Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh will be conducted in seven phases starting from February 10.
The second phase of the Uttar Pradesh elections will be held on February 14, the third phase on February 20, the fourth phase on February 23, the fifth phase on February 27, the sixth phase on March 3 and the seventh and the last phase will be conducted on March 7. The counting of votes will take place on March 10.