New Delhi: Following the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech from the Red Fort, several BJP leaders and Union ministers have appreciated the PM's speech and the policy announcements. Apart from conveying his best wishes to the people of the country on the occasion of Independence Day, Union Minister Giriraj Singh said that PM Modi gave a historic speech from the Red Fort. He further said that PM is a Karma Yogi and has strong resolve to develop the country. He mentioned important things for the poor and backward classes, farmers and youth, he added.
Giriraj Singh further added that lives of many people were saved because of the indigenous vaccine during the Covid-19 crisis. Over 54 crore people were vaccinated which is a great achievement in itself. Under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, 5 kg of food grains, wheat and rice were being given separately to 80 crore beneficiaries of the National Food Security Scheme during Corona crisis, this is also a historic feat.
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Meanwhile, Union Minister Arjun Munda also greeted the people of Jharkhand and India on the occasion of Independence Day. He said that today's speech of PM Modi from the ramparts of Red Fort underscores his vision for a new self-reliant India of the 21st century. Arjun Munda said that PM Modi gave a new message-"Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas". The union minister said that country can overcome its challenges with collective efforts.
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Another Union Minister Pashupati Kumar Paras also extended his greetings to the people of the country and said that this is new India. Here, no one will die of starvation as everyone is getting free food grains. Toilets are being built in every house. Women are getting gas cylinders, roads are getting built in the villages, money is being directly deposited into the bank accounts of farmers, etc.
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