New Delhi: BJP is leaving no stone unturned in attacking Bihar CM Nitish Kumar following the mass shooting incident in Begusarai on Tuesday evening. BJP leader from Bihar and cabinet minister RK Singh have linked the incident with the revival of 'jungle raj'.
"A man who is himself a fugitive and has an arrest warrant on his head is awarded a ministerial post and still not getting sacked by the CM. I do not know what his (CM) compulsion is," Singh said.
"Even before 2005, people did not want to visit the state. Later during the BJP rule, the situation turned normal, and our government brought investors. But now again the situation is getting worse and our apprehension is that investors will again back off and leave the state," he said.
Singh further claimed that he is from Bihar and has come to know that those who had booked houses and flats are now canceling and returning.