New Delhi: Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla will chair a high-level meeting on Amaranth Yatra at the Home Ministry on Friday. Sources in the Home Ministry told ETV Bharat that the meeting will be attended by six secretaries from different ministries involved with the Amarnath Yatra.
The meeting involving different secretaries was convened on the direction of Home Minister Amit Shah. Top officials from the Civil Administration, Police and Intelligence agencies from Jammu and Kashmir and heads of NHAI, BRO, Central Armed Police Force (CAPFs) and Intelligence Bureau will attend the meeting.
The meeting which will be held both physically and virtually will be attended by secretaries from Defence Ministry, Ministry Ministry, Earth Sciences Ministry, Telecommunication Ministry, and Road Transport and Highways Ministry. The meeting will review arrangements for annual pilgrimage of Amarnath shrine beginning June 30. The 43-day long pilgrimage will conclude on August 11.
Also Read: Shiv Sena activists in J&K protest against alleged threat to Amarnath Yatra
This meeting is taking place a day after Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Thursday reviewed yatra security issue at the Unified Headquarters meeting at Srinagar with top brass of Army, civil administration, Jammu and Kashmir police, central paramilitary forces, and intelligence departments. The annual pilgrimage could not be held in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid19 pandemic. Sources said that today's meeting may also finalise the required number of paramilitary forces to be deployed to ensure law and order situation.