Champawat: Champawat SDM Anil Chanyal, who had gone missing on Monday, has been found in Shimla, officials said. Champawat District Magistrate Narendra Bhandari talked to the SDM on the phone and said he was likely to return soon. Police, special operations group and the State Disaster Response Force had been tasked with tracing the sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) who was found on Tuesday.
A missing person's report was lodged at Champawat Kotwali police station in connection with Chanyal's disappearance and three teams had begun search operations, Champawat Superintendent of Police (SP) Devendra Pincha said. Chanyal was reported missing by Ramesh Ram, a homeguard in his security detail. In his report, Ram said the SDM had asked him and the driver of his official vehicle to leave on Saturday evening and report for duty on Monday morning.
But when Ram reached the SDM's residence on Monday, he found the door locked and Chanyal's mobile switched off. He then informed the administration. When the door of the official's residence was broken in the presence of police, everything inside was found to be normal but the official's phone was lying on the table along with a note, saying that it should be deposited at the District Magistrate's office.
Taking cognisance of the matter, Kumaon Divisional Commissioner Dipak Rawat instructed Bhandari to conduct a search operation. Sources said Chanyal had been stressed for some time and wanted to go on leave. However, Uttarakhand has placed a ban on officials taking leave at present due to the state's vulnerability to natural disasters during monsoon. (PTI)