Haridwar: The Ganga Sabha, which looks after the Ganga river in Haridwar in Uttarakhand has warned against making "indecent" videos or reels on social media on the world-famous Har Ki Paidi ghat along the river. The videos and reels often remain the subject of discussion in Dharmanagari Haridwar, about which Tanmay Vashistha, General Secretary of Ganga Sabha has made a strong comment.
Vashisht said that playing with the dignity of Dharmanagari will not be allowed. In a video message, Vashisht said that if anybody “plays with the dignity of the pilgrimage for the sake of likes and comments, it will not be tolerated”. In a recently released video shot at the ghat which has been posted on social media by one Nikita Virmani, she is seen dancing with her cousin at Har Ki Paidi during the night.
The Ganga Sabha has written to the Haridwar SSP, demanding punitive action in this regard.