New Delhi/Chennai: Tamil Nadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development, Udhayanidhi Stalin on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi and took up State issues including exemption for TN from the ambit of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). On his Twitter handle, Udhayanidhi, son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin said he had a pleasant meeting with the Prime Minister.
"I shared my deepest sympathies with him for his mother's passing away. He conveyed his regards to our Hon'ble CM @mkstalin. He enquired about the initiatives being taken in TN sports," he said.
The Minister, who is also the DMK youth wing secretary said he discussed with Modi matters including Tamil Nadu CM trophy games, conducting Khelo India games and establishing Sports Authority of India (SAI) Centre in his state. NEET exemption for the State, a long-pending demand and preference to Tamil Nadu people in Union government jobs and central Public Sector Units located in TN were discussed.
Modi promised to do his best on such demands, Udhayanidhi Stalin said in his tweet. He posted a picture of him presenting to Modi a replica of saint poet Tiruvalluvar's statue at Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu.This is Udhayanidhi Stalin's first meeting with PM Modi after he assumed office as Minister in December last year. (PTI)