Srinagar: Two outside labourers were injured in a grenade blast in the Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir on Friday, police said. "Militants lobbed a grenade at Aglar Zainapora, resulting in minor injuries to two non-locals. The area has been cordoned off," a police spokesman tweeted. Senior police personnel have rushed to the spot. (PTI)
Two non-locals injured in grenade blast in Shopian district of J&K
Militants lobbed grenade at Aglar Zainapora, resulting in minor injuries to two non-locals, police said.
Two non-locals injured in grenade blast in Shopian
Srinagar: Two outside labourers were injured in a grenade blast in the Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir on Friday, police said. "Militants lobbed a grenade at Aglar Zainapora, resulting in minor injuries to two non-locals. The area has been cordoned off," a police spokesman tweeted. Senior police personnel have rushed to the spot. (PTI)
Last Updated : Jun 4, 2022, 7:47 AM IST