Bhadohi: Two criminals carrying a cash reward of Rs 50,000 each were arrested here on Sunday after an encounter in which both of them were also injured, a senior police official said. Superintendent of Police Anil Kumar said that on Sunday morning during routine checking near Kandhia railway crossing, two people riding a motorcycle (from Varanasi side) fired at police when asked to stop and fled the check post.
After this, the bike-borne criminals were surrounded on a bridge over river Morwa. However, the duo again fired at cops, following which police retaliated, and the criminals got bullet injuries to their legs, Kumar said, adding they were arrested. Two countrymade pistols, along with the motorcycle, have been recovered from them, police said.
The arrested criminals are Faheem alias Motte alias Ujaifa, a resident of Azamgarh district, and Ramzan Ali alias Lambu, a resident of Varanasi. As many as six cases are registered against Faheem, while Ramzan has 20 cases against him, police said. During initial questioning, the two accused revealed they were involved in incidents of loot and dacoity in Varanasi, Azamgarh and Mirzapur districts, the SP said. (PTI)