Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh): During the idol immersion of Lord Ganesh on Friday five children have swept away under the strong currents of the Betwa river. Two children were drowned whereas three others were rescued by the divers. The body of the one boy went missing. Efforts are on to trace the body. People, including children, belonging to Teacher's Colony in Khushipura locality of Jhansi, joined the procession to immerse the idol of Lord Ganesh in the Betwa river on Friday. When they reached Nautghat Bridge for immersing the idol, some of them, including children, descended on the river stream where the water level was deep. In the meantime, a commotion began, when two children were drowned in the river, while three others were rescued by the local divers, police said.
Read: Madhya Pradesh: Four children die after drowning in well