Bengaluru: Two students of a government primary school sustained 60 and 40 percent burn injuries when they came in contact with a live wire at Nandini Layout in Vijayananda Nagar locality here on Thursday afternoon. Both the injured children have been undergoing treatment at a hospital. On the other hand, no complaint has been lodged by the parents in this regard, said police.
After coming from the school, both the children went to a playground. On the way, they saw a pigeon and the duo carrying an iron rod climbed and went to the terrace of a house to catch the pigeon.
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Unfortunately the iron rod which they were carrying with them touched the live wire passing over the terrace of the house, resulting in severe burn injuries to both the children.
On hearing the screams, the residents rushed the injured to Victoria Hospital for treatment. One boy sustained around 60% burns, while another sustained around 40% burns, police sources said.