Agartala(Tripura): Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Thursday said that his government has been compelled to allocate Rs 20 crore for setting up of Drug Rehabilitation Centres in the state as the cases of HIV-AIDS infection and drug addiction have been increased. Chief Minister Deb said this while addressing an event organised by Abhay Mission to cheer up the specially challenged athletes at Shaheed Bhagat Singh Youth Hostel. Deb said on average two positive cases of HIV are coming out on a daily basis in the state.
“I was compelled to allocate Rs 20 crore for setting up of Drug Rehabilitation Centres in the state. Had the drug menace been not there, these funds could have been used in public welfare schemes for poverty alleviation. I believe that special children never do such things. Cases of drug addiction in special children is a rare phenomenon and in a way the parents are relieved”, Deb observed.
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“AIDS infection and drug addiction are on the rise among youngsters. Healthy people are getting into this vicious cycle in many ways. The present State government earnestly aims at building drug-free Tripura,” Deb said. He sought everyone's cooperation in this regard. At the beginning of the event, Divyangjans performed yoga in front of the Chief Minister and other guests. Then the Chief Minister released white balloons and inaugurated the event. The event was organised as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav with the initiative of the Special Olympics Bharat-Tripura and Abhay Mission.