Bengaluru: A gang of robbers indulged in stealing tractors were detained by Kamakshipalya police in Bengaluru. They were reported to have stolen tractors from different parts of Bengaluru and sold it to other farmers after changing the engine number. They also created fake documents for the tractors.
In the Kamakshipalya police station area, a tractor was robbed a week ago and the owner lodged a complaint in the station. Police detained Boregouda after investigation. Later, he revealed details about his gang members including Anand, Yakoob Khan, Lingappa, K Lokesh and V Lokesh.
According to the police, accused have been indulging in the crime for the past two years. They steal the tractor and sell it to Anand and Lokesh after changing the engine number and also created fake documents. They registered the vehicles in Electronic City and Mandya RTO office. Later they sold it in Tumkuru, Mysore, and Mandya as new tractors to other farmers.
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