Hyderabad: Mohit Agarwal aka Myron Mohit (30), husband of film actress Neha Deshpande, and construction businessman Manyam Krishna Kishore Reddy (59) were arrested by Hyderabad Narcotics Enforcement Wing (H-NEW) police for allegedly possessing cocaine. H-NEW Inspector Rajesh's team is on the lookout for Mohit Agarwal on the information provided by the recently arrested Goa drug kingpin Edwin Nunnes. After midnight of December 31, Mohit and Krishna Kishore Reddy were detained at Sanjeevaiah Park. Cocaine and two phones were seized from their possession.
Also read: Drug peddling racket busted in Hyd; 2 including Nigerian national held
DCP Gummi Chakraborty said, "Mohit Agarwal, a resident of Kondapur, Hyderabad, started an event management company 'The Unscripted' in 2014. He used to provide foreign liquor and cocaine to guests while organising events. With his acquaintance with Edwin Nunnes, he started supplying drugs to celebrities in Goa, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Bengaluru." According to police, he wanted to be like Pablo Escobar, who is known as the cocaine king at the international level. Details are being gathered on the involvement of Mohit's wife in the supply of drugs.
Manyam Krishna Kishore Reddy from Banjara Hills completed B Tech and started the business with a private limited company. He was addicted to drugs while organising private parties. As he was going to Goa often, he came in contact with Edwin. He used to bring drugs to Hyderabad in private buses with a man from Bengaluru. The accused was arrested based on the information gathered from Edwin. The duo have been remanded in judicial custody, said the police.