Chennai: Tamil Nadu's daily Covid cases rose sharply as 1,472 infections were logged on Sunday, pushing the caseload to 34,68,344. The toll remained unchanged at 38,026 with no fresh fatalities recorded in the last 24 hours, a medical bulletin said. As many as 691 people have recuperated from the virus in the last 24 hours, aggregating to 34,22,860 leaving 7,458 active cases.
Read: TN clocks 332 new coronavirus cases
Chennai accounted for the majority of cases at 624, followed by Chengalpet 241, Coimbatore 104 while the remaining were scattered in 33 districts of the total 38. Meanwhile, the Tamil Nadu government said the fresh cases were surging in many parts of the state as people were showing laxity in adhering to Covid-19 protocols.
The government in a statement said it would be collecting fines under the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act 1939, from those who do not follow Covid-19 rules in public places. The state capital also leads among districts with 3,395 active infections and overall 7,58,607 Covid cases.