Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Monday urged Vice Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit to initiate action in respect of 'attack' on students. The Left-controlled JNU Students' Union alleged on February 19 that ABVP activists attacked some students, an allegation denied by the right wing students outfit.
On his Twitter handle, Stalin said: "The cowardly attack on Tamil students by ABVP & vandalising the portraits of leaders like Periyar, Karl Marx at Jawaharlal Nehru University is highly condemnable and calls for a strict action from the Univ Admin." Further, he said: "The securities of JNU & Delhi police have time and again turned mute spectators to the violence unleashed on students who fight for their rights & are critical of the Union BJP regime. I express my solidarity with the students & request VC to initiate action against the culprits and protect students from Tamil Nadu." Universities are not just spaces for learning but also for discussion, debate and dissent, Stalin, also president of the ruling DMK said. (PTI)