Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) : The passengers of a Bengaluru-bound private bus had a miraculous escape, as many of them managed to jump out of the vehicle that caught fire near Mettur in Salem district of Tamil Nadu in the early hours of Monday, police said.
However, 10 passengers, including a few women, sustained burn injuries while jumping out from the window to save their lives, police said. They have been rushed to the government hospital in Mettur where they are being treated.
Coming from Coimbatore, the bus with 43 passengers on board caught fire around 1.30 am when it reached Puduchampalli and it spread to the entire vehicle. As thick smoke started emanating from the front of the bus, the driver alerted the passengers who jumped out.
All the passengers on board the bus broke the windshields in the front, rear and side screens and jumped to safety, they said.
Fire and rescue services personnel rushed to the spot and managed to put off the fire after one hour. The bus was totally charred, along with the belongings of passengers. The exact reason behind the blaze is not known. Further investigation was on, police said. (PTI)