New Delhi: TMC Rajya Sabha MPs, including Dola Sen and Sushmita Dev, called on Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday. NDA candidate and former West Bengal Governor Dhankhar became India's 14th Vice-President in August after defeating Opposition candidate and Congress leader, Margaret Alva.
"Hon'ble Members Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Sukhendu Sekhar Ray, Dola Sen, Sushmita Dev & Dr. Santanu Sen, called on the Hon'ble Vice President, Jagdeep Dhankhar at UPA-Rashtrapati Nivas today," Dhankhar said in a tweet. Dhankhar's equation with the TMC had nosedived months ahead of his vice-presidential nomination, with the Mamata Banerjee-led party accusing him of being a mouthpiece of the BJP. (PTI)