New Delhi: Trinmool Congress Rajya Sabha MP Mausam Noor on Monday moved a Privilege Motion against former Chief Justice of India and Rajya Sabha MP Ranjan Gogoi over his remarks on the Upper House during an interview to a news channel. The motion stated that his remarks were in contempt of the Rajya Sabha and constituted a breach of privilege of the council.
Earlier, during an interview to a leading news channel, Ranjan Gogoi was asked about his thin attendance in the House. "I didn't feel comfortable going there. Social distancing norms have been enforced, they are not being observed. The seating arrangements, I don't find very comfortable. I go to the Rajya Sabha whenever I feel like, when I think there are matters of importance on which I should speak. I am a nominated member not governed by any party whip," Ranjan Gogoi had said.
Ranjan Gogoi was nominated as a member of the upper house just after 4 months of his retirement as the Chief Justice of India and he duly accepted the offer.
When asked about his appointment, he replied, "What is this magic about the Rajya Sabha? I would have been better off in terms of pay, emoluments if I had been a chairman of a tribunal. I am not earning a penny."
The motion moved by the TMC MP against him raised objections over his statements in the said interview. More MPs are expected to move similar motion against Gogoi in coming days.