Chinsurah(West Bengal): Chinsurah Trinamool MLA Asit Majumder was seen lashing out at a group of BJP workers during a rally here on Friday evening. In a video that went viral in minutes, the Legislator was seen beating up the workers of the saffron party with a stick. Punching and slapping of BJP workers led to a free-for-all situation at the Kadina More of Chinsurah, West Bengal. The video has already gone viral with the ruling party earning wrath from netizens.
BJP alleged that their procession was attacked by a group of TMC workers led by MLA Asit Majumder. They caned the BJP workers after leaving the Trinamool Party office. Soon after coming out of the party office, the leader ordered Trinamool workers to beat up their BJP counterparts mercilessly, alleged BJP district president Tushar Majumder. “Trinamool deliberately attacked a peaceful procession today and the MLA himself beat up some people with a stick,” Majumdar said.
Also Read: TMC-BJP supporters clash in Barrackpore over 'Jai Shree Ram' chants
However, Trinamool MLA Asit Majumder alleged that the BJP workers stopped his car and tried to kill him. He also said that when he returned from the Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly meeting, his car was stopped and he was harassed. Asit Majumder also claimed that slogans like “Tapan Chor” and “Pishi-Bhaipo Chor” (Aunt-Nephew thieves) were raised at the BJP rally. Later, the police rushed to the spot and arrested a few BJP workers.