New Delhi: Three people were injured after an LPG cylinder caught fire and exploded in a factory located at Bawana Industrial Area, an official said here on Friday. The official informed that they received a call about the fire incident on Thursday evening at around 7.04 p.m. at L-235, Sector-3, Bawana Ind. area after which 14 fire tenders were immediately pressed into the service.
As per the official, it took the firemen four hours to douse the flames. The cooling process has also been completed. The last unit returned at 11.00 p.m. All the three injured, identified as Janak Raj Yadav, 25, Mool Chand Yadav, 47 and Joginder Yadav, 20, were admitted to Maharishi Valmiki hospital where Janak Raj who received 60 per cent burn injuries is currently undergoing treatment.
While Mool Chand sustained 40 per cent burn injuries, Joginder suffered minor leg injuries. The official confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident. However, the factory was completely gutted. Most of the articles were burnt and turned into ashes.
Delhi Fire Services chief Atul Garg informed the media agencies that the fire destroyed the machinery, raw materials, chemicals and LPG cylinders in the three-storey "Krishna Packaging" factory which was built in an area of 150 sq. metres.
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Locals could be seen gathering in the morning to see the charred remains of the building. The incident comes just four days after a family of four members were injured, one seriously, after an LPG cylinder caught fire in western Delhi's Nangloi area on Monday.