New Delhi: Three doctors were terminated from their services by the Delhi government on Monday, over the death of three children at the Kalawati Saran Hospital due to a suspected case of adverse drug reaction a few days ago.
“Three children died at the Kalawati Saran Hospital due to an adverse drug reaction a few days ago. As soon as we got to know about it, we terminated the services of three doctors and ordered an inquiry. We have also complained about the incident to the Delhi Medical Council,” Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain told the reporters.
The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) enquiry report has reported that the said three children died after allegedly consuming a 'cough syrup' which was administered by the doctors of the mohalla clinic run by the state government in the national capital.
As per the report, 16 cases of Dextromethorphan poisoning were reported in Kalawati Saran Children Hospital out of which three children have died in the hospital. The drug Dextromethorphan was manufactured by a private pharmaceuticals is not recommended for paediatric use.
Following the unfortunate incident, Dr Sunil Kumar from DGHS under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has asked the Delhi government to issue a notice to all dispensaries and mohalla clinics "to not prescribe Dextromethorphan for children less than four years of age". The DGHS has also suggested "withdrawing the Dextromethorphan in the larger public interest".
The Opposition have exerted pressure on the ruling-Aam Admi party and forced its hand to act against the Doctors on its much-hyped mohalla clinic.
Read : Mysterious fever grips Haryana village, 24 children dead