Chennai: After her mother died earlier this month due to the unavailability of medical oxygen, a Chennai-based woman autorickshaw driver has embarked on a noble mission. Seethadevi ferries medical oxygen to patients who are in dire need, that too at free of cost.
For this, she has fitted her three-wheeler with oxygen cylinders.
Seethadevi's mother suffered a urine infection. On May 1, she was rushed to a hospital. She had to undergo certain medical procedures which required her to be on oxygen support. However, the hospital could not ensure a continuous supply of oxygen and she passed away four days later.
After giving her mother a dignified funeral, Seethadevi resolved to save as many lives as possible. She soon fitted her autorickshaw with oxygen cylinders and turned the three-wheeler into an emergency pick-up vehicle.
Since then, she has been ferrying COVID-19 patients free of cost. This is Seethadevi's latest initiative for COVID-19 patients. She has already been running 'Street Vision', a voluntary organization, serving food for those living on footpaths and the destitute.
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"From the wee hours of May 1 till afternoon, we waited in the ambulance for 12 hours in anticipation of a bed for my ailing mother. But soon, she breathed her last. It was only then I realized the intensity and lethal nature of the second wave of the pandemic
After performing her last rites, I was struck by the idea of converting my autorickshaw into an oxygen-fitted emergency vehicle to help COVID-19 patients," Seethadevi said.
"While in transit, we check the patient's oxygen level, and depending on the need, we provide oxygen support,” she said.
Giving out details of her schedule, Seethadevi said, "From 8 am to 8 pm, our autorickshaw plies to four hospitals in Chennai. Thereafter, we use the three-wheeler to help patients in our neighbourhood. We get nearly 3,000 calls for help on a daily basis. In addition, we help the people on streets with food and other requirements."