New Delhi: The Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday cautioned the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) officials of any nexus with contractors and vendors. He was speaking on the occasion of the 166th CPWD foundation day in New Delhi. Asserting that his government will not entertain any forms of corruption, Puri said, "There is zero tolerance for corruption in this government. Beware of that. There should not be any unhealthy nexus with contractors or vendors." He further said, "If you conduct yourselves with dignity, respect follows automatically. The tendencies to malign reputations through anonymous communications and allegations is to be discouraged. By 2030 India is aiming to achieve the SDG goals, where CPWD must be at the forefront of that important journey as a torchbearer of sustainable development," he added.
It may be mentioned here that the sustainable development goals (SDG) framework, initiated by Niti Aayog, targets ending poverty in all its forms. The SDG steers the development of India's national multidimensional poverty index (MPI) and the reform action plan to reduce multidimensional poverty. Puri emphasised that CPWD plays an important role in sustainable development in cities. He also highlighted the importance of lighthouse projects in the country. "It is imperative that these LHPs truly become the harbinger of a new era where construction in any form does not damage the delicate and critical nature of the planet," said Puri.
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Significantly, six lighthouse projects are being executed in six geo-climatic zones in the country. The Minister also appealed for a healthy working relationship between middle, senior and junior level management of CPWD. "This is the cutting edge. They need to be trained, skilled and their communication skills enhanced. Innovations and cost-cutting ideas from field level functionaries should be rewarded," he added.