Mahabubnagar: An eight-year-old girl who was forced to beg to fend for her infant sister was rescued by the child welfare officials in Telangana's Mahbubnagar district, on Tuesday. Officials moved both the children to a children's shelter in the district and have taken care of them.
The rescue was initiated after ETV Bharat team stumbled upon the minor girl at Sadashivapet- Zaheerabad road and brought it to the notice of the child welfare officials. "My sister is hungry and she keeps crying. I need milk to pacify her. Help me a little bit," she said when asked why is she out here in sweltering heat.
The shelter-less girl was livid as her mother who was beaten up by her alcoholic father had not returned home since Monday. With no one else to turn to, the girl walked to the junction to beg. "Two days ago, my father beat up my mother. She went out telling me that she would bring food for us," the child said.
"But our mom never returned home since that day. My sister kept crying and my father didn't care about her. I didn't know what to do and started begging to feed my sister," she explained. Yellamma, a beggar, who was at the same road junction couldn't stand the child's cry.
Yellamma took it upon herself and breastfed the infant. She also happens to be the children's neighbour. She said the children were often left to starve due to the frequent quarrels between the couple. "They do not care whether these kids have eaten or not," she quipped.