Bengaluru: Police in Bengaluru have taken two persons into custody who allegedly shouted pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans on social audio app 'Club House' on August 14. Both the accused, identified as Saurabh and Rahul are techies and during interrogation, they revealed that "we shouted pro-Pakistan slogans as a challenge which was given by members in the Club House group."
The Club House group was created on August 14 and the miscreants encouraged everyone to put Pakistan's flag as their display picture. In this regard, the video went viral on social media and later police registered a case in the matter on August 17 under Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code at Bengaluru's Sampigehalli police station. After interrogation, Saurabh and Rahul have been released, while the rest of the accused will also be called for questioning.