Farrukhabad (UP): A teacher went half-naked and slept on the floor in Paramapur Primary School of development block Rajepur after getting intoxicated from alcohol. Video of the drunk teacher striving to walk properly is becoming fiercely viral on social media. The police lodged an FIR after the video made on Wednesday went viral where the teacher is seen reaching the school while he is drunk and putting off his pants to sleep peacefully on the school campus.
The teacher is also seen puking and struggling to balance his bike to head home. The villagers told ETV Bharat that, the school has three teachers, and mostly only Anantram, the in-charge headmaster of the school is present in the school. The cautious villagers do not send their children to school as Anantram, who is a drunkard, shouts at the students and scares them.
The villagers also informed that the teacher mostly attended the school when he is drunk and the school authority has not taken any action yet. The police, on the other hand, have commenced the investigation where the police claimed that required actions will be taken after booking a case.