Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said Tatas will invest Rs 600 crore in the state, while addressing a group of people during the distribution of appointment letters at the Netaji Indoor Stadium on Monday while inaugurating the new Coca-Cola plant that the Tata group is setting up in Jalpaiguri's Raninagar. State industries minister Shashi Panja along with other dignitaries physically attended the inauguration.
Decades ago, the Singur movement, after which Tata's Nano project was driven out, assumed a pivotal role in the political dynamics here. Political analysts believe that the change of guards from the 34-year Left Front rule to Trinamool Congress in 2011 was possible because of the Singur and Nandigram land agitations. On the other hand, due to the Singur movement, Tata left the state without materializing the nano factory, making it a big setback for the state's heavy industry. It's pertinent to notice that at that time, Mamata Banerjee was blamed by the opposition leaders for Nano's departure.
But in more than ten years, several things have changed under Banerjee's rule. A significant development in this is the improvement in the relationship between Tata and the state government. Incidentally, even though the nano factory has left this state, TCS is still going on as usual in the state while the process of setting up another campus of the organization in the state is also underway. Tata's direct investment is definitely going to be a big gain for the state.
Banerjee, during the virtual inauguration, the government's goal is to create new employment opportunities. She further claimed that the industry in this state has been destroyed in 34 years of Left rule. Industrialization is the main goal of this government, and our government is working towards that goal, the CM claimed further saying that along with industrialization, Banerjee's government is stressing employment, hands-on education, and skill training.
Mamata gave an excellent example of how children can get jobs after getting technical education. The Chief Minister announced that 10,000 job aspirants will be given appointment letters. At the end of the program, the nodal officers of the district handed over appointment letters to the job aspirants. According to the Chief Minister, appointment letters will be handed over to 30,000 job aspirants in a total of four events in Paschim Medinipur, Murshidabad, and Siliguri in the near future.