Nagpur: As per the divisional health department, more than 200 Swine Flu cases have been reported in the city, with 10 deaths in total by August itself. The rising death toll is alarming, given people were already fighting the Covid pandemic. According to the statistics, there are 129 persons, who are suffering from Swine Flu in the city and 82 in the rural areas bringing the total tally to 211 patients in the city alone.
Also read: Four-year-old girl dies of swine flu in Raipur
Right now, there are 42 patients in the city and 57 patients in rural areas, who are undergoing treatment, wherein four are serious. The health officials informed that the high-risk level can be avoided by timely admission of the patients. People infected with Corona in the past are more likely to get infected with Swine Flu, so they need to be vigilant about their health. The health department is conducting a review meeting on Swine Flu cases every week. In the meeting held on August 19, doctors discussed safety parameters to control the spread of Swine Flu. Doctors advised washing hands with soap and avoiding going to crowded places.