Hyderabad: According to officials in the department, the Railway Police has received conclusive evidence against the director of Sai Defense Academy, Subbarao in the vandalism at Secunderabad Railway Station case. They have alleged that Subbarao was closely monitoring the situation in order to create havoc.
Subbarao arrived in Hyderabad on June 16 from Guntur along with his followers and stayed at a hotel close to the Secunderabad railway station. Two of his foremost followers helped Army aspirants to reach the city and held discussions with them. He allegedly instructed the aspirants to go to the station and carry out protests. As a precautionary measure, he asked his followers to wear a mask throughout the protest.
Also read: Agnipath protests: Coaching centres, WhatsApp groups under scanner in Bihar, UP, Telangana
Railway police found that shortly after the vandalism began, Subbarao fled to Guntur. They suspect that he was also involved in all the affairs related to the agitation organized by Army aspirants against the Agnipath Recruitment Scheme. Within half an hour of the vandalism, the railway police conducted a thorough examination of the phone numbers and WhatsApp groups of the protestors.
Subbarao was found to be a member of four of the eight groups formed by the aspirants. When his number was dialed, he immediately switched off his phone and alerted his followers to flee. By the time the police arrived at his hotel, Subbarao had already vacated his room and left for Guntur. He was one of the prime suspects in the case and was nabbed by the police on June 19 in Guntur.
According to sources, Subbarao had initially denied his involvement in the protests. He was brought to Hyderabad and arrested by the police on Tuesday night. Despite confessions from his followers, he maintains that he was in no way involved in the vandalism of the Secunderabad railway station. Subbarao has, however, admitted to being present in Hyderabad on June 16. He has been evacuated to a secret location along with his other followers.