Auriya (UP): In an unfortunate incident, a Class 10th Dalit student of Adarsh Inter Colleges in Uttar Pradesh’s Auriya succumbed to injuries on Monday while undergoing treatment after he was allegedly thrashed by his school teacher on September 7.
The victim, Nikhit Dohre, was allegedly beaten up by his social science teacher Ashwani Singh, on September 7 because he made a mistake in his exam. Dohre was immediately rushed to a hospital in Etawah where he was undergoing treatment. As per police, the accused teacher contributed around Rs 40000 for the treatment but later refused to pay more.
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The incident came to the fore on September 24 when Nikhit's father, Raju Dohre, registered a case at Achhalda police station against the teacher for showing reluctance to pay money for the treatment and also for hurling caste slurs when he visited his house seeking contribution for the treatment. Following the complaint, police shifted Nikhit to a hospital in Saifai. He died on Monday while undergoing treatment as he had suffered several internal injuries, the doctors said.
An FIR has been registered against the accused, Ashwini Singh, at Acchalda Police station, and teams have been formed to arrest the accused. According to Charu Nigam, Superintendent of Police Auraiya, “The victim student was under treatment since September 7 after he was mercilessly beaten by his social science teacher. We have also come to know that the accused teacher initially contributed twice to his treatment but later when he stopped picking up the phone, the victim's parent's filed a complaint. We have registered a case under relevant sections."
"We have talked to Etawah CMO to get the panel and video graph to know about the cause of death. Correspondence has also been done for the same. Further action is in progress. Three teams have been formed to arrest the accused," said the SP further.