Jabalpur: Authorities have promised action against students for harassing a junior student in the name of ragging at Rani Durgavati University Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. The student, who lodged a complaint with the varsity administration, in that regard alleged that the seniors barged inside his hostel at midnight and took him away and made him take a bath with cold water.
Also read: Madhya Pradesh: Ragging incident occurs at Ratlam Medical College
Apart from this, the seniors harass the juniors in many other ways, the student said. The NSUI has submitted a memorandum to the RDVV Vice-Chancellor regarding the incident and demanded strict action against the guilty senior students. The student leaders said that such incidents have been coming to the fore in the hostel frequently. Many students are illegally staying in the hostel for years, the NSUI said. Police launched a probe into the case and recorded the statements from the victim. The Vice-Chancellor said that action will be taken against the culprits.