Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin Saturday visited the state control Room at Ezhilagam set up for coordinating the steps for evacuation of Tamil Nadu students in war-torn Ukraine.
Stalin spoke to several students in Ukraine over video call and enquired about their safety and availability of food. He also assured them that the government was taking all the steps to bring them back. Jacintha Lazarus. Commissioner of Rehabilitation and Welfare of Non-Resident Tamils said, "The state control room has received over 1800 calls from Ukraine so far. 3,000 people have sent information by email. All are being sent to External Affairs Department." Students in Ukraine have been advised to stay in a group and at a safe place.
The first Air India evacuation flight carrying 219 passengers from Ukraine, landed in Mumbai on Saturday evening. The plane had taken off from the Romanian capital Bucharest. The evacuees were welcomed by Union Minister Piyush Goyal at the Mumbai airport.
Also read: EXCLUSIVE - 'We are trapped': Indians stuck in Kharkiv raise SOS as Ukraine crisis intensifies