Sidra (Jammu): Jammu police claim to have solved the sensational mass suicide by six persons that took place under mysterious conditions in Tawi Vihar Jammu when all six bodies were found inside two houses in the locality on August 16. Addressing a press conference on Saturday evening, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jammu Chandan Kohli briefed about minute details regarding the case.
During the investigation by the SIT formed in the case, SSP Jammu Chandan Kohli said: "Some very important leads were collected by SIT headed by SP Rural Sanjay Sharma i.e.from CDR, CCTV recordings, data extraction from mobile phones, bank details and etc."
"Investigations revealed that Noor-ul-Habib started staying in this house in the year 1997 and Sakina used to work as domestic help in the house. Sakina and her family are basically from District Doda and purchased a house nearby in 2004", he said.
"Sakina's family got financial help from Noor-ul-Habib and both families got too much dependent on each other but both were upset due to medical issues as two family members Zaffar Saleem and Naseema were specially abled whereas one family member Sajjad Ali was also having medical problems while Noor-ul-Habib was also suffering from a deadly disease," said the SSP.
SSP Jammu Kohli said, "They also had disputes related to land in Doda and other than that court cases/litigations," adding "On August 4, after appearing in a case along with Sajjad and Sakina, Noor-ul-Habib feared that he will be convicted in a case and he told one of the relatives that it is better to end life better than facing the sentence." "He (Noor) convinced Sakina Begum, Rubina Bano, and Sajjad Ali who all were very dependent on him to end their lives", he said.
SSP Jammu said, "On August 5, as per their plan, they bought medicines that include Cannula’s drip sets and on August 6, Noor-ul-Habib called Sanjeev Kumar (Health Worker) and told them to administrate drip sets in his arm and in Sajjad Ali’s arm and Naseema."
He asked Sanjeev to check the medical conditions of both the above-mentioned persons, to which Sanjeev told Noor that patients have low 02 levels and they should consult doctors so as to save precious lives.
"On August 7, Noor also called one Plumber Vijay Kumar and told him the entire story and gave 2.5 Lakhs to dig a pit so as to burry two bodies after the death i.e. Zaffar & Naseema", said the SSP adding " On August 9, a plumber came and dug out a pit for the burial of the bodies as directed by Noor further Noor asked him to get some medicines to which Vijay agreed and got the medicines".
On August 12, Sanjeev was again called to deliver some medicines and to check Canulas and drips, a senior police officer said, adding, "As evident in the investigation, Zaffar Saleem and Naseema passed away on August 12, though the opinion of FSL is awaited."