New Delhi: The Delhi Police Crime Branch has arrested a spy from Pokhran in Rajasthan for passing on sensitive information from the Indian Army to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The 34-year-old accused, Habibur Rahman, has been booked under the Official Secrets Act. He had been working as a vegetable supplier on a contract basis in Jaisalmer for the last few years.
As per the police, Rahman worked for the ISI and had also been in Pakistan. Confidential Army documents and a map of the Army area have been seized from him.
The accused said that the documents were given to him by Paramjit Kaur, an Army personnel deployed in Agra. Rahman was supposed to hand over documents to one Kamal.
A few other persons have also been detained by the crime branch with regard to the case. The accused is being questioned. Further investigation is underway.
Also read: Indian intelligence arrests suspected Pakistan spy