Chatra (Jharkhand): Saurabh Prasad, a resident of Chattigadilong village in Tandwa block of Chatra district, has bagged a job in Microsoft with a package of Rs 51 lakhs despite being visually impaired. Since childhood, Saurabh was suffering from an eye disease called glaucoma and by age 11, he lost his eyesight. But, instead of giving up on his dreams, he worked hard and fought against all hurdles to be where he is now.
Saurabh, a third-year student of CSE in IIT Delhi, had always been a bright student. His father is a teacher and his mother is a homemaker. After studying in St Micheal's Ranchi till VII grade, he got enrolled in IBS Dehradun, from where he topped the board examinations with 97 per cent marks. Keeping up with the record, he scored 93 per cent marks in his XII standard.
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The pride of Chatra has completed his studies in Braille. He was offered a job at Microsoft on his successful completion of an internship there. A student of software engineering, Saurabh credits his success to his parents and the technological advancements made in the last 10 years. He is truly an inspiration for all. Saurabh's story is a reminder that if the spirits are high, then any form of disability can never become a hindrance in the way of one's dreams. They just need to be guided in the right direction.