Panaji: A court in Goa on Saturday remanded two accused arrested in the murder case of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sonali Phogat in police custody for ten days. The accused duo- Sudhir Sagwan and Sukhwinder Singh- were produced before the court in Mapusa town by Anjuna police on Saturday. A senior officer said the court remanded the duo in police custody for ten days.
Sagwan and Singh had accompanied Phogat, a popular TikTok star who hailed from Haryana to Goa on August 22. Phogat, 42, was brought dead to St Anthony Hospital at Anjuna in North Goa district on August 23 morning from her hotel. The police on Friday said Sagwan and Singh allegedly mixed some "obnoxious substance" in water and forced Phogat to drink it while partying at Curlies restaurant on the intervening night of August 22 and 23, adding they have been charged with murder. (PTI)