Hampi (Karnataka): Singer Kailash Kher was attacked by some youths in the audience on Sunday here during the ongoing Hampi Utsav in Karnataka. The police deployed at the event venue immediately detained two youths who threw a water bottle at Kher while he was performing on the stage. The two youths are under interrogation, though no reasons for the attack have been ascertained yet.
The incident happened on the last day of the Hampi Utsav when the Padma Shri awardee Kailash Kher was performing among many other artists who graced the event with their performances. Immediately after the attack, the security deployed at the event got a hold of the culprits and detained them. The singer was not injured, and the event continued after the youths were taken away.
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Sunday marked the concluding day of the three-day Hampi Utsav that started on January 27. The event was a culturally rich festival wherein traditional and fol artists from various states across the country participated in the opening processions of the Utsav. The footfall at the event was quite high with people from across the world gracing the audience lot. The foreigners, intrigued by the colorful fest filled with colors, were also seen in high numbers. Other than the performative arts, the event also had other activities including the Hampi by Sky, sound and lighting shows, water sports, and adventure sports among others.
The event was presided over by the state Tourism Minister Anand Singh, while the event was concluded with a valedictory event addressed by Muzrai and Vijayanagara district minister Shashikala Jolle.