Bengaluru: Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah has been provided with Z-category security. The development comes after BJP workers protested against Siddaramaiah during his visit to Kodagu district on Thursday during which an egg was thrown at his car. Not only that a poster was also thrown inside his car.
Also read: BJP leaders criticise Siddaramaiah for allegedly visiting temple after eating non-veg food
Following the incident, Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai had promised to provide Z category security to former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and the order was issued by the State Home Department in this regard on Monday.
Sources in the Home Department said that 21 people including officers and staff have been allotted to Siddaramaiah adding that they will perform their duties in three shifts. They further revealed that Home Department has suggested that local police should take more responsibility when Siddaramaiah goes out of Bangalore.