Chennai: In a horrific incident in the Villivakkam area of Chennai, a gang of 5-6 men heinously murdered a man in broad daylight as an act of revenge. The murdered guy was later identified to be a murder accused himself, known as 'Double' Ranjith. The incident, that occurred on Thursday evening, was captured by a CCTV camera in the vicinity. The city police took note of the incident and released the video as they initiated their probe to identify the killers.
As informed by the police officials, the murder is being speculated as an act of revenge as 'Double' Ranjith and his gang were accused of killing another rowdy Alex last year. Ranjith and his gang were imprisoned for the past few months, while Ranjith was released on bail last week. Ranjith's murder was committed at the same location where Alex was killed, as confirmed by the probing officials.