Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Wednesday sharply attacked the Congress over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's security lapse during the PM's visit to Firozpur. Chouhan said the move was pre-planned and linked Congress High Command to the issue.
"It was not a coincidence but a conspiracy. It was not spontaneous but sponsored. The hatred against Modi has killed Congress' soul. Not only its publicity graph but even its character is falling.
"The conspiracy behind the security breach is connected to the Congress high-command. The flyover, where the PM's convoy was stuck, was only a few kilometres from Pakistan's border", Chouhan said.
When the entire country expressed concern about the PM's security breach, Congress leaders expressed joy, Chouhan further noted.
He also demanded answers from Congress chief Sonia Gandhi why senior Congress leaders such as Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi, Punjab Police DGP as well as Chief Secretary were not present at the time with Modi.
"The Chief Secretary and the DGP's car went empty, which raises the question that they were already aware of this. How did so many protesters gather despite the presence of the police? Who are the officials who did not take necessary steps after the alert was issued? Sonia Gandhi will also have to explain why the Punjab CM did not receive the phone at such a time", he further said.