Mumbai: Shiv Sena MLA Ramesh Latke from Andheri East passed away late Wednesday night due to a heart attack. He was 52 years old. Latke, who had gone to Dubai to meet his friend, died when his family was away shopping. Minister for Transport Anil Parab said, “We are now trying to get his mortal remains”. Defeating Congress’s Suresh Shetty, Latke was first elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly from Andheri East in 2014 and 2019 he beat independent candidate M Patel. He was also a corporator at the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for several terms. "From corporator to MLA!" After winning the municipal elections of 2002 and 2009, he contested the Assembly polls two times and won the elections.
Shiv Sena MLA Ramesh Latke dies of heart attack in Dubai
"From corporator to MLA!" After winning the municipal elections of 2002 and 2009, Ramesh Latke contested the Assembly polls two times and won the elections.
Mumbai: Shiv Sena MLA Ramesh Latke from Andheri East passed away late Wednesday night due to a heart attack. He was 52 years old. Latke, who had gone to Dubai to meet his friend, died when his family was away shopping. Minister for Transport Anil Parab said, “We are now trying to get his mortal remains”. Defeating Congress’s Suresh Shetty, Latke was first elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly from Andheri East in 2014 and 2019 he beat independent candidate M Patel. He was also a corporator at the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for several terms. "From corporator to MLA!" After winning the municipal elections of 2002 and 2009, he contested the Assembly polls two times and won the elections.