Shimla: The statement of Himachal Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur regarding the ban on vehicles having pictures of Sant Bhindranwale has drawn criticism. Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami and President of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), in a letter to the Chief Minister, has strongly objected to Thakur's statement saying that the “head of state is responsible for the security of every community, his communal statement could harm the peace of the country”.
He said that India is a multi-religious and multi-lingual country in which everyone has religious freedom. He said that Bhindrawala “was a national martyr of Sikhs who had been conferred the title of a martyr from Sri Akal Takht Sahib, the highest shrine of the Sikh community”.
He alleged that “many Sikh shrines were being visited in Himachal Pradesh and the pilgrims were being forcibly blacked out from their vehicles”. “It is unfortunate that instead of restraining the police administration on this issue, the Chief Minister of the state Jai Ram Thakur has made a statement against Sikh sentiments. It is not permissible for him to question the picture of Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale”.
He said that the constitution of the country gives freedom of religion and freedom of expression to everyone “but the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh was expressing hatred towards the Sikh leader”. He said that Sikhs have always contributed to the progress of the country and have served every community without any discrimination in the face of any calamity befalling the country. Advocate Dhami said that the Chief Minister of Himachal “should not forget that if the whole country is enjoying the warmth of freedom today, it is because of the great role of Sikhs”.
Also read: Harbhajan offers unconditional apology for insta post featuring Bhindranwale