Delhi: Amid the ongoing row between Bharatiya Janata Party BJP and Janata Dal (United) JDU over the seat distribution for Uttar Pradesh Assembly Polls, Bihar's Industries Minister and senior BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain claimed that the National Democratic Alliance NDA government in Bihar will work seamlessly and will complete its term.
"BJP and JDU will remain in alliance and Nitesh Kumar will not forge an alliance with RJD and Congress and all the 74 BJP MLAs are firmly standing with the Nitish government. So, RJD and Congress should not dream of Nitish Kumar again having an alliance with them," said Shahnawaz Hussain.
Now, we are focusing on setting up industries and generating new employment opportunities and with the same promise we came in power also, so Nitish Kumar is working on it, said the BJP leader.
On a question over JDU demanding 30 seats in UP polls, he said that he is unaware of this and has to seek details from the High command.
Both the parties are witnessing some differences over issues like the Liquor ban, special status to Bihar, caste-based census, and the most recent one in which author Daya Prakash Sinha compared Emperor Ashoka with Aurangzeb.